What is shamanism?
Shamanism is the world’s oldest spiritual path. It is a nature-based path.
Shamanism is not a religion but a spiritual practice that involves a practitioner (the shaman), who interacts with the spirit world through an altered state of consciousness like trace. In fact, many indigenous shamans around the world are Catholic, Jewish, Buddhist and practicing members of many different religions.
The goal is usually to direct these spirits or spiritual energies into the physical world, for healing or protection.
Ancient history has a lot of grey areas when it comes to shamanism and when the actual practice of shamanism dates back to. Medicine men, natural healers, and those that were considered connected to spirits and power have historical documentation back from at least the last 20-30,000 years.
The word ‘shamanism’ is thought to be derived from the Tungusic Evenki language of North Asia. ‘Shaman’ in Manchu-Tungus translates to “one who knows.
The Tungusic term was subsequently adopted by Russians interacting with the indigenous peoples in Siberia. The word was brought to Western Europe in the mid 17th century via travelers through Russia.
Shaman vs Shamanic Practitioner
Shamans can inherit the way from their family and ancestors. They can also come into it by displaying a talent for it at a young age or simply seek out the training on their own.
Becoming a shaman takes years of hard apprenticeship and initiations. Not every apprentice will complete their training or even succeed and some may not even survive the ordeal.
Becoming a shaman meant to know exactly how to access energy and knowledge from plants, rocks, animals, the spirit world and even the weather. Shamans were one of the first doctors and meteorologist and most likely shaped the world as we see it today. They had to become exceptional teachers and healers. They’d become the community counsellor, diagnosticians, the story tellers and even hypnotists. It’s common for a shaman to be the adviser for royalty or emperors.
Shamanic Practitioners are basically a new age shaman. Shamanic practitioners haven’t gone through years of traditional studentship but are still valid, skilled healers and teachers. They’ll normally learn a vast amount about healing and do intense training or courses and practice the overall fundamentals of shamanism. Some will actually learn from or be apprenticed by master shamans but this is not common or necessary and many will still not call themselves ‘shaman’ for sensitive reasons.