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Money frog (Three-Leg Toad) is used for attracting luck, wealth and abundance, it is known as a "treasure-attracting" animal.

The fat money frog sits upon gold ingots, with a string of copper coins upon the back, representing wealth and dignity.

It can often be seen near cash registers, receptions, managers' desk, computers and offices and diagonally left of the front door, and facing inwards. Makes a great choice as a house warming gift or for your own use.  It's important to position the frog looking inside the house rather than facing out through the door, so it brings in wealth to you.


In classical feng shui, place in the southeast corner of your space. In BTB or Western Feng Shui, it's the top left hand area of your space as viewed on a floor plan.


Do not-

Out of respect don't ever place it on the floor. Too high will be out of reach of the pockets that it should be filling with money.

The money frog also should not be in the middle of a room, under a window, or in a hallway or high-traffic area.

 Don't place a money frog in a bedroom, kitchen, or bathroom, as it can bring bad luck in these spaces.


  • Keep toilet lid closed + bathroom door closed 

  • Blue in the East/South-East of the house brings in wealth

  • Kitchen- Airy and clean and always have a living plant in area

  • Never put kitchen center of house or next to laundry or stairs.

  • Display pictures/art symbolizing of wealth and abundance 

  • Never display art of single people or things

  • DO NOT place window or back door directly through to the front door

  • DO NOT put strong presents of blue or black in South of home

  • DO NOT put too much red or orange colours in the east

  • Slow down energy flow- No long hallways 

  • Path to front door always clear

  • Don't place mirrors too high




Rat (Chinese Zodiac, in Chinese: 大鼠) is the first sign of the Chinese zodiac.

The Rat is a symbol of good luck, well-being, prosperity in the house, as well as intelligence, endurance, fertility, reproduction, wealth (since the species proliferate quickly and abundantly and always finding hoards to eat).


 Having this small rat standing around where you keep your wealth is a big money magnet. It will protect your purse or wallet from unnecessary expenses, thieves, the evil eye. This amulet also increases progress on your career ladder.



Moldavite utilizes Wood energy, the energy of growth, expansion, new beginnings, nourishment and health. It enhances vitality, brings abundance, and keeps us growing physically.


Use this crystal to enhance any space used for eating, in the room of a small child, or in a place of your home where you are beginning a new project. Wood energy is traditionally associated with the East and Southeast areas of a home or room. It is associated with the Family and Health area, and the Prosperity and Abundance area.

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